Diary of a Wimpy Person: Minecraft Mayhem! (Minecraft adventure books for kids) (Volume 1) by Minecrafty Millers, Jason Jade
Diary of a Wimpy Person: Minecraft Mayhem! (Minecraft adventure books for kids) (Volume 1) by Minecrafty Millers, Jason Jade PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Do you remember the first time that you ever played Minecraft?Remember how hard it was trying to learn everything on your own?
Well, Ethan Miller (also known as Person) had the chance to learn for himself.
And, being a total newbie, he got beat up a lot (just like in real life).
Join Ethan as he explores the world of Minecraftia for the first time.
Watch as he meets his first creeper (and gets blown up for first time), runs into angry skeletons and zombies, climbs a mountain (over and over), punches enough trees to fill a forest and dies and dies and dies again.
Anyone that's ever had to deal with too many monsters and not enough food will understand what's it's like to be a complete newbie in the harsh lands of Minecraft.
And the great satisfaction that comes when you finally figure out how to survive.
With charming illustrations and creative storytelling, Diary of a Wimpy Person: Minecraft Mayhem! is a must-read for any kid who loves Minecraft. Kids ages 7-14 (even reluctant readers) can't wait to "dig in" to these Minecraft Adventures!
Grab your own Copy Today!
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