Beyond the Clouds: The Lifetime Trek of Walter "Matt" Jefferies, Artist and Visionary by Richard L. Jefferies
Beyond the Clouds: The Lifetime Trek of Walter "Matt" Jefferies, Artist and Visionary by Richard L. Jefferies PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Beyond the Clouds is the beautiful, full-color biography of legendary aviation artist Walter (Matt) Jefferies who was best known for his work as art director of the original Star Trek television series - and for designing the most widely recognized spacecraft of all time, the U.S.S. Enterprise. In his lifetime, Jefferies worked on set and art designs for over fifteen movies and television series including Little House on the Prairie, Dallas, Ben Casey and Love, American Style. He also produced many aircraft paintings and technical designs which have been exhibited in museums all over the world. Illustrated with images of his striking paintings, Jefferies' story is enriched with a historical backdrop, personal anecdotes, and plenty of information on Star Trek, aviation, and set design. This unique fusion of art and aircraft is revealed through pages that trace the life and times of the aviation expert who helped shape the face of science fiction.From reader reviews:
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