Minggu, 13 April 2014

PDF⋙ Non-volatile Memories (Iste) by Pierre-Camille Lacaze, Jean-Claude Lacroix

Non-volatile Memories (Iste) by Pierre-Camille Lacaze, Jean-Claude Lacroix

Non-volatile Memories (Iste)

Non-volatile Memories (Iste) by Pierre-Camille Lacaze, Jean-Claude Lacroix PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Written for scientists, researchers, and engineers, Non-volatile Memories describes the recent research and implementations in relation to the design of a new generation of non-volatile electronic memories. The objective is to replace existing memories (DRAM, SRAM, EEPROM, Flash, etc.) with a universal memory model likely to reach better performances than the current types of memory: extremely high commutation speeds, high implantation densities and retention time of information of about ten years.

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Non-volatile Memories (Iste) by Pierre-Camille Lacaze, Jean-Claude Lacroix EPub

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