Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Traveling of Gregory Shelikhov from 1783 to 1790 years from Okhotsk to the American coast. Part 1-2. (Russian Edition) by G.I. Shelihov

Traveling of Gregory Shelikhov from 1783 to 1790 years from Okhotsk to the American coast. Part 1-2. (Russian Edition) by G.I. Shelihov

Traveling of Gregory Shelikhov from 1783 to 1790 years from Okhotsk to the American coast. Part 1-2. (Russian Edition)

Traveling of Gregory Shelikhov from 1783 to 1790 years from Okhotsk to the American coast. Part 1-2. (Russian Edition) by G.I. Shelihov PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The merchant Grigory Shelekhov in 1783 went to three ships to the coast of North America, where it was founded the first Russian settlement on Kodiak Island. In 1787, he outfitted two more vessels, and continued development of the Kuril Islands and Alaska. Shelehov was an extensive plan for the reconstruction of Russian America, which provided for the development of agriculture, construction and shipyards Slavorossii new capital, the opening of schools for Aboriginal children and Russian settlers. In the 1790-94 biennium. with the participation of Shelekhova it organized several merchant companies on the basis of which after his death in 1799 was created the Russian-American company, played a significant role in the study and development of the north Pacific Ocean, California and Alaska.

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