Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ The Furoshiki Handbook (Japanese-English Bilingual Books) by Etsuko Yamada

The Furoshiki Handbook (Japanese-English Bilingual Books) by Etsuko Yamada

The Furoshiki Handbook (Japanese-English Bilingual Books)

The Furoshiki Handbook (Japanese-English Bilingual Books) by Etsuko Yamada PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese wrapping cloth, and recently it is very popular among international tourists as a souvenir. Furoshiki has a place not only traditional Japanese-style living, but also in modern, Western-style living as well. The ties in furoshiki represent the ties between people and using them to wrap things is a way of wrapping up and presenting our feelings, making furoshiki a fantastic communication tool.
Once you learn the basic ways of tying in this book, you can tie furoshiki in all different kinds of to suit the size and shape of the contents within.
This lavishly illustrative book shows you how to wrap a bottle, a book, a bento box and more as well as how to tie like a flower, a dewdrop, a tote bag, and a scarf.
This book will surely give you new ideas of gift wrapping.

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