The Big Fish...out of water (The Big Fish tails) (Volume 2) by Mr Mike Williams
The Big Fish...out of water (The Big Fish tails) (Volume 2) by Mr Mike Williams PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Big Fish has turned his attention away from his travels and explores the world he has been travelling in. And it's a very strange one indeed. Sixty little separate offerings show how he copes with his existence and how he sees things in general, although he now needs glasses to actually see stuff. He's simply up to his fins with it all. You might accept that he's right on some things and wrong on others; which is fair enough. Although even if he is wrong, he may still be righter than you. You may come to the eventual conclusion that The Big Fish is simply out of his depth. But whatever you conclude, you'll hopefully be smiling…From reader reviews:
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