Agile Software Architecture: Chapter 6. Supporting Variability Through Agility to Achieve Adaptable Architectures by Matthias Galster, Paris Avgeriou
Agile Software Architecture: Chapter 6. Supporting Variability Through Agility to Achieve Adaptable Architectures by Matthias Galster, Paris Avgeriou PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Variability facilitates the design of software products that can be adapted for a wide range of customers or contexts. In agile development, software products begin to be built before the desired product is fully understood. Both variability and agile development embrace change and adaptation. This chapter combines the agile paradigm and variability to achieve adaptable software architectures and shows how the agile paradigm and the concept of variability can complement each other in an approach to variability handling at the software architecture level.From reader reviews:
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