Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture: prospects and constraints by Nutan Kaushik

Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture: prospects and constraints by Nutan Kaushik

Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture: prospects and constraints

Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture: prospects and constraints by Nutan Kaushik PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

During the Green Revolution, achieving high crop yields at any cost was the ultimate goal. The emphasis now is on sustainable agriculture-increasing yields without harming the environment. Biopesticides are a vital component of sustainable agriculture. But are biopesticides as effective as chemical pesticides? Will farmers be able to use them and achieve high yields? What are the types of biopesticides available? What are the constraints faced by farmers and people in the market in procuring and selling them? This book answers these and similar questions. This volume is a collection of papers by eminent scientists working in the field of biopesticides. It gives examples of the successful use of biopesticides and problems associated with their widespread use. Some of the issues discussed include the relatively inadequate use of available biopesticides, most often due to the farmers' ignorance; poor quality of biopesticides; regulatory norms; the inability to implement large-scale initiatives; and the introduction of natural enemies to control pests. Targeting agriculturists, policy-makers, researchers, and representatives of the pesticide industry, Biopesticides for sustainable agriculture: prospects and constraints while focusing on India provides a global perspective on relevant research and methodologies in this field.

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