Manbeasts: A personal investigation by Adam Davies
Manbeasts: A personal investigation by Adam Davies PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Adam Davies, one of the world's best known explorers writes: "This book is not a detailed analysis of the various cryptozoology creatures and their respective merits. Please look to researchers such as Craig Woolheater, Loren Coleman or Dr Karl Shuker, Nick Redfern, and the like for that. This book is about how I felt about, and how I reacted to, the situations in which I found myself, while hunting for proof of the existence of animals unrecognised by science. Some of my adventures were exciting, some amusing and some dangerous, but all are memorable. The expedition with Bryan Sykes and Lori Simmons stands out as one of the most truly bizarre experiences of my life. I find it somewhat ironic that it was not on some mountain top in remote Nepal, or in the deep Sumatran jungle that I was to have the most amazing of my encounters, but rather in the Pacific Northwest of America, not far from a small town."From reader reviews:
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