Minggu, 20 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Sondheim: Jazz Play-Along Volume 183

Sondheim: Jazz Play-Along Volume 183

Sondheim: Jazz Play-Along Volume 183

Sondheim: Jazz Play-Along Volume 183 PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

(Jazz Play Along). For use with all B-flat, E-flat, Bass Clef, and C instruments, the Jazz Play-Along series is the ultimate learning tool for all jazz musicians. With musician-friendly lead sheets, melody cues, and other split-track choices on the included CD, this first-of-its-kind package helps you master improvisation while playing some of the greatest tunes of all time. FOR STUDY, each tune includes a split track with: * Melody cue with proper style and inflection * Professional rhythm tracks * Choruses for soloing * Removable bass part * Removable piano part. FOR PERFORMANCE, each tune also has: * An additional full stereo accompaniment track (no melody) * Additional choruses for soloing. INCLUDES: Another Hundred People * Being Alive * Good Thing Going * The Ladies Who Lunch * Losing My Mind * No One Is Alone Part I * Not While I'm Around * Pretty Women * Send in the Clowns * Sooner or Later (I Always Get My Man).

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