Make It Sew Modern: Gather, Twist, Pleat, Texture by Vanessa Christenson
Make It Sew Modern: Gather, Twist, Pleat, Texture by Vanessa Christenson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Now you can add new dimension and texture to your life, even if you're just learning to sew. This exciting collection of fashion and home-decor patterns from Vanessa Christenson, owner of V and Co., shows how.
- Discover more than 20 simple sewing ideas, including eye-catching quilts, pillows, scarves, purses, and an assortment of clever embellishments
- Create three-dimensional flowers, raw-edge ruffles, tasteful tucks and pleats, and more
- Sew easy patterns and express yourself with unique designs that are just your style
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