Mappila Muslim Culture: How a Historic Muslim Community in India Has Blended Tradition and Modernity (SUNY Series in Religious Studies) by Roland E. Miller
Mappila Muslim Culture: How a Historic Muslim Community in India Has Blended Tradition and Modernity (SUNY Series in Religious Studies) by Roland E. Miller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Thorough exploration of the distinct culture of the Mappila Muslims of Kerala, India.This book provides a comprehensive account of the distinct culture of the Mappila Muslims, a large community from the southern Indian state of Kerala. Although they were the first Muslim community in South Asia, the Mappilas are little-known in the West. Roland E. Miller explores the Mappilas’ fourteen-century-long history of social adaptation and their current status as a successful example of Muslim interaction with modernity. Once feared, now admired, Kerala’s Mappilas have produced an intellectual renaissance and renewed their ancient status as a model of social harmony. Miller provides an account of Mappila history and looks at the formation of Mappila culture, which has developed through the interaction of Islamic and Malayali influences. Descriptions of current day life cycles, religion, ritual, work life, education, and leadership are included.
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