World Savannas: Ecology and Human Use by Jayalaxshm Mistry, Andrea Beradi
World Savannas: Ecology and Human Use by Jayalaxshm Mistry, Andrea Beradi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An interdisciplinary text on the world's savannas, covering the geography, ecology, economics and politics of savanna regions. Savannas are a distinct vegetation type, covering a third of the world's land surface area and supporting a fifth of the world's population. There has been a wide range of literature on the subject, but the majority of work has focused on the ecology or development of savanna areas, ignoring the wider interdisciplinary issues affecting contemporary savannas. World Savannas aims to buck this trend, providing students with an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the global importance of savannas.From reader reviews:
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