Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Human Security in a Borderless World by Derek S. Reveron, Kathleen A. Mahoney-Norris

Human Security in a Borderless World by Derek S. Reveron, Kathleen A. Mahoney-Norris

Human Security in a Borderless World

Human Security in a Borderless World by Derek S. Reveron, Kathleen A. Mahoney-Norris PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


To fully understand contemporary security studies, we must move beyond the traditional focus on major national powers and big wars. Modern threats to security include issues such as globalization, climate change, pandemic diseases, endemic poverty, weak and failing states, transnational narcotics trafficking, piracy, and vulnerable information systems. Human Security in a Borderless World offers a fresh, detailed examination of these challenges that threaten human beings, their societies, and their governments today. Authors Derek S. Reveron and Kathleen A. Mahoney-Norris provide a thought-provoking exploration of civic, economic, environmental, maritime, health, and cyber security issues in this era of globalization, including thorough consideration of the policy implications for the United States. They argue that human security is now national security.
This timely and engaging book is an essential text for today’s courses on security studies, foreign policy, international relations, and global issues. Features include three special sections in each chapter that explain potential counterarguments about the topic under consideration; explore the policy debates that dominate the area of study; and illuminate concrete examples of security threats. Richly illustrated and accessibly written, Human Security in a Borderless World is designed to encourage critical thinking and bring the material to life for students.

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