Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Ubik: The Screenplay by Philip K. Dick

Ubik: The Screenplay by Philip K. Dick

Ubik: The Screenplay

Ubik: The Screenplay by Philip K. Dick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“An accident has occurred. Joe Chip and his colleagues—all but one of them—have narrowly escaped an explosion at a moon base. Or is it the other way round? Did Joe and the others die, and did the one fatality, Glen Runciter, actually survive? . . . From the stuff of space opera, Dick spins a deeply unsettling existential horror story, a nightmare you’ll never be sure you’ve woken up from.”—Lev Grossman, Time

In 1974, Philip K. Dick was commissioned to write a screenplay based on his novel Ubik. The film was eventually scrapped, but the screenplay was saved and later published in 1985. Featuring scenes that are not in the book and a surreal playfulness—the style of the writing goes back in time just like the technology in the book’s dreamworld—this screenplay is the only one Dick wrote and features his signature mix of paranoia, humor, and big-idea philosophy.

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